Our firm's President, Scott Tracy,has been actively working in the Construction and Development industries
for over twenty-five years. When you couple hands on experience such as Mr. Tracy's with the outstanding abilities
and reputations of our highly respected affiliates, the only possible outcome is an extremely high level of success and client
satisfaction. Through many years of working within the industry, we have encountered and overcome most of the hurdles
that are commonly, or not so commonly encountered in our extremely competitive business today. In addition to our
vast knowledge of past constructions practices we are constantly networking and studying new technologies, especially as they
pertain to Green Building. With the deterioration of the environmentworld wide, and our current economic crisis,
a solid understanding of the new technologies that are available is paramount. We take pride in our familiarity of theses
new technologies as they develop. The best part is that we would like nothing more than to share all of our expeirience
with our clients. After all, "Your Project is our Business".
Our President |